Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What month is IT?

The weather has been very confusing. Yesterday we were under severe thunderstorm warnings, tornado watches and tornado warnings!!! This is Jan. for heavens sake! That kind of weather belong in April through September............NOT in January!

Our snow is ALL gone........notta, zip, nothing left. Just standing water on the grass and dirt. Which means for muddy floors when the dog comes in from doing her thing outside. It's been raining a lot........and she doesn't like going out in the rain, but hey, sometimes she just has no choice. Last night though was a different story. It was thundering and lightening like crazy and she took a look outside, placed one paw outside the door and turned and high-tailed it back to her comfortable chair and curled up to snooze some more. She did go out later after hubby got home from work but it had stopped raining at that point and thundering. She made sure he was going out with her though...........never mind the safety in numbers saying; in her eyes it's 'safety in Daddy'!

The meteorologists are predicting winters return by the end of this week. Yesterday the temp was over 60 degrees and already today it has dropped to 51 and I am hoping that it stays above the freezing mark until I am able to get back home from taking hub's uncle to his eye doctor appointment this afternoon. If all this rain begins to freeze on the roads they will be nothing but black ice. Keep your fingers crossed for me........thanks!


Anonymous said...

Oh goodness! Here's my fingers crossed. I like the warmer weather because it equals a cheaper power bill. With everything else going up, it is nice to get a break with a lower power bill.


Smalltown RN said...

It has been crazy winter weather....we have had snow off and on but nothing has stayed that long except up on the mountains where it should be...you know it's winter here when the storms come...the high winds and power outages...yeah just when you need your heat the most the power goes out...thank god for our fireplace.

I know what you mean about the dog...Bert is becoming a little baby....he certainly doesn't like being out in the rain....he's funny...we have made a bed for him up on the porch to get out of the rain...but as a dutiful gaurd dog...he sits on his hind legs...watching the driveway..waiting for his master to come home....silly puppy get out of the rain.....he has been spending more time indoors than usual though.....

Have a great day my friend....