Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Hopefully Spring is here to stay!

Our weather has finally turned the corner, at least I hope it has. Today is sunny and 61º so far and it is only noon so there is a chance that it will still get warmer! I'm really so 'done' with the cold weather and snow. No one should have snow in April. April is the month of gentle spring rains to bring May flowers, not cold, wet snow to kill the buds. The snowy cold weather we had did kill the blooms on my forsythia bushes but my daffodils were more protected under a bush and they seem to be intact. I noticed that some of the lilacs that were in the early stages of developing flowers have suffered from frost bite, but it looks as if I will still have plenty of blooms this year on one of the bushes anyway!

Although the weather forecaster's are predicting clouds and light rain for later this afternoon I am not unhappy with the weather. If it's just a gentle rain and can soak into the ground as it falls it will really benefit the trees, flowering bushes and plants that are beginning their new growth. Besides, rain is MUCH BETTER than snow any day!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For my area, I'm glad that the wind has calmed down. Trees were falling ever which way between Sunday night into Monday. Even some buildings in the city were damaged by the wind. I'm thankful for warmer temps and calmer winds. Hugs!