Thursday, April 19, 2007

Kids do say the darndest things!

I had a memory lapse the other day. It was from lack of sleep but it scared me. At the time, I thought something was really wrong with me. After calling my physician, I was reassured that lack of sleep can do that and he called in something called Ambien for me. But, I digress.....

The memory lapse made me wonder 'what if my memory were going'? Did I tell the kids about the funny things they said growing up? And after thinking about it, my conclusion was 'Yes, I did tell them, but what if they don't remember those things after I've died? Who will tell their children those stories......the ones that make every family get together more enjoyable because of the history of funny little things?

So, I decided to write them down so there is a record.

My oldest son was 4 years old when making his first trip on an airplane. I was traveling alone with 3 small children ages 7, 4 and 2 1/2. After settling in our seats and having survived lift off, someone pushed the flight attendant assist button. As those of you who have flown know, the button sounds very similar to a doorbell. Upon hearing the bell, my 4 year old says, in a not quiet voice, "Hey MOM, Avon even calls up here?" Needless to say everyone near enough to hear was laughing and looking!

Another time, as we were on our way to visit my sister we drove by a rather large cemetery where there was a section set aside for the military. There were statues of military personnel from the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. The statues were all facing the American flag and saluting. My daughter, age 12, asks us "Is that where they bury the dead soldiers?" No, honey, that's where they bury the live ones, the dead ones get buried in Arlington National Cemetery!

And then there was the time our youngest while riding in the back seat with his friend, was explaining about another friend and friend's sister and where they went to live after their mom and dad divorced. He told his friend that "they all live in a 'condom' now!" Try not laughing when you hear a child say that! Gee, it must have been pretty crowded in there!

These are just a few of them that readily come to mind. I'm getting tired as I took by magic night time pill, so I will turn in and remember more for another time.


Gattina said...

Lol ! What children sometimes say is much better then the "best" joke ! My son when he was a child asked me once "are they heavy to carry ?" pointing on my breasts !

Akelamalu said...

Oh yes they do come out with some things don't they! I often think I wish I had written everything down as they'd said it - it's so hard to remember them now.

Thanks for dropping by my blog and the lovely comments. I'll call again soon.

Mauigirl said...

Hi, thanks for your comment on my blog.

Love the story about your kids - keep writing down those memories, your children will cherish them. I just went through all my parents' stuff when my mom moved out of the family home into an apartment and I had a grand time looking through all the memorabilia that she had saved; and I was glad I could still reminisce with her about the days my childhood.

Glad your memory lapse was temporary - it's scary, isn't it...I worry as well when I forget things. My dad had Alzheimer's - but not till he was 89 or so...Hope I have a few years left! ;-)

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I think that is what blogging is for. To write down some of these things that we are afraid we will forget. This is why I like Monday Memories. Every once in a while I will remember something that I want to write down for that special day. Great idea..Cute things your kids said...Sandy

Berni said...

Thanks for popping in and leaving a comment. I like your kids stories. I remember when I was about 10 I was on a bus with my new stepmother (a recently shy spinster of 40) and she had bought our tickets and there was a big W on it (this is in the UK) I advised the whole bus that that meant she was 'with child' to her embarrassment.

Puss-in-Boots said...

Hello Martie, thanks for coming to visit.

My youngest daughter had a very highly developed sense of the ridiculous and once informed me, as I was dressing her after her bath, that a singlet was a baby singer!

Anonymous said...

Oh thanks for the stories. Brought a smile to my face. Hugs! :)

thewriterslife said...

Smart girl! Keep those memories coming. It's going to be what the kidlits are going to read after we're long gone. I love it! Hey, I love that blogging over 50 thingee you have over there to the right..I think I'm going to go check her out! ;o)

thewriterslife said...

Hey Martie, me again...where did you get that blogging over 50 thingee? I clicked on it and it didn't go anywhere. Looks interesting!

MissKris said...

We still chuckle about the time my husband had a twisted intestine and I'd had to rush him to Emergency. As his parents and other family members gathered with me in the waiting room, the surgeon came out to tell me they might have to perform surgery if a heavy sedative didn't cause the intestine to relax. As we all heard this news there was a half-beat of silence, then our 5 year old daughter piped up clear as a bell and said, "Well, if he lives, he lives. If he dies, he dies!" I don't know who was more or the surgeon. In hindsight it's always been a funny story to tell, much to our now 30 year old daughter's chagrin, lol!

Smalltown RN said...

Those are to have to send those into Reader's know if they get published they pay you for them....great memories and you get paid for them as well...sounds good to me...

Hope you had a fantastic weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

Too cute!

I'm here from the bloggers over 50 and just wanted to say hi. Hope you can drop by for a visit sometime.

[And Gattina's comment is funny too --lordy, what kids won't say!!!]

Have a great week.

Lori said...

How cute! Kids do say the cutest things and they are so because they're said in innocence.

I know what you mean about the memory lapse...I'm getting really bad!

River Rat said...

I love it absolutely adorable!