Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Winter Pastime

I know I am more than ready for Spring to arrive. I have been snowed to death the last few weeks. And yet, I shouldn't complain because we actually had a very slow start to winter and the first part was mostly without any snowfall or slippery roads. But, I am tired of it all now, even though it is beautiful to look at, I still don't like having to deal with slippery roads.

I have been spending my time inside putting jigsaw puzzles together, well, when I wasn't doing the cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc. This is the latest one and I am almost done with it. This has also been the most difficult one so far.....and I don't care what hubby says, I KNOW there are pieces missing!


janet copenhaver said...

I love doing puzzles the last one I did I started the day we went to war with Iraq. I remember asking hubby and a friend "Which do you think will happen first? I'll finish getting this puzzle together or the war will be over?" Geez, I finished way before... Will the war ever be over?
Haven't worked on another jigsaw puzzle since.

Anonymous said...

I haven't ever put a puzzle together. I read computer books though that sometimes seem puzzling. Does that count? I'm being silly. I hope you get to feeling better soon! Here are some feel good vibes*******

Martie said...

Puzzling computer books DO count.....after all, a puzzle is a puzzle! And you know what? There is one piece missing from my puzzle!!

Lori said...

I'm terrible at puzzles! But this one looks really pretty. My sister and her family are into them and I purchased one for Christmas that is double sided, but the picture is turned on the opposite side. I'm thinking that it also said that the puzzle pieces were all cut the same, too. I haven't checked in lately to see how the nightmare is coming - ha!

Bill said...


you are such a blessing to me. thank you for being a beautiful person.


Baba said...

I would love to try a hard puzzle to put together.Know you will be glad when it warms up.Our temp. today will be in the upper 60's.Come over and visit .. Baba