Friday, April 4, 2008


It's 5:22 AM, and I am wide awake. I think Bumpa woke me, inadvertently, when he crawled into bed after getting home from his second shift plus working overtime. I stayed in bed as long as I could but the clock shows what time I got out of bed. I tried to get back to sleep, but I can't see much sense in just tossing and turning and keeping him awake too!

Amber has been visiting this week..........she is on spring break but all the other grand kids don't start spring break until tomorrow. She will have to return home at least by Sunday in order to go to school. She has been with her Daddy for the last two nights.........she doesn't get to see him as much as she would like to. I don't like having to share her either, but after all, he is the Dad! And she does need to spend one on one time with him and that's what today was for her! I'm sure she had a great time! I still have some things I would like to do with her before she has to go home, but we'll have to talk to her Mom and see how much time she has left to stay with us.

Our youngest daughter, Rachel, went to the hospital last night with symptoms of a heart attack, but all turned out well and she has a follow up appointment with her regular doctor on Friday.

And Doug's fiancee, Virginia, has just been told by her doctor that she has an enlarged thyroid and her blood work shows that something is amiss. This is not a good thing, especially when one is in the first stages of pregnancy. I don't know exactly what is wrong, but am hoping that whatever it is, they are able to control it with medication. She is very concerned and upset that something will be wrong with the baby. She has a book that says thyroid problems can lead to all kinds of deformities and problems. She needs to talk to her doctor and not jump to conclusions.........but I'm sure that's easier said than done!

I think I'll go and read a while and see if I get sleepy. I know I'm going to be dragging all day if I don't get some more sleep!


Lori said...

Coming off of a 14 hour work day, I can relate to the why am I still up? Can't sleep...

I hope that everything turns out all right with both of your girls. I've not heard of the thyroid causing problems in pregnancy, but I do know that problems with the thyroid, even cancer, are very treatable.

Take care of one another...and get some sleep!

Smalltown RN said...

I am glad to hear you are able to spend some time with Amber...and as for your daughter I am glad it wasn't a heart attack and that they get to the bottom of things...and as for your daughter in law...thyroid issues are treatable...and as you say she just needs to get to her doctor to figure out what the course of action will be for her....

And you my friend no wonder you cant sleep....worrying about every one else...go make yourself some nice frothy milk....curl up on the couch with a nice book...and doze off....and that's a nursing order!!! chat with you soon my friend....hugs...

Anonymous said...

Insomnia is the pits. Here's hoping that you rest well.
