Wednesday, June 13, 2007

This beautiful bloom is from a plant called a Clematis. It was given to be a couple years ago by my son Jeremy and his wife Heidi and their little boy, Trent for my birthday and Mother's Day. Last year it didn't bloom at all and I was convinced that I had done something wrong transplanting it from pot to ground. As you can see, I was very wrong and I'm very glad about that!

This is a perennial plant so once it is established, I don't have to worry about it except to make sure it gets enough water. My kind of plant! ♥ It has stunning large flowers from spring through fall and this vining plant will climb structures or larger shrubs and trees. This is the third bloom in a matter of the same number of weeks.


Anonymous said...

Wow that is beautiful! I love purple! Hugs

janet copenhaver said...

What a beautiful flower. You still so busy???

RUTH said...

Clematis are wonderful plants...I have a few myself in flower. I love the colour of yours.