Sunday, June 10, 2007


Working in a factory is hot, hard work. My hubby does this for a living. He worked all week near a furnace that heats up laminate to glue to office furniture. It is probably at least 20 degrees hotter in that part of the factory than it is standing outside in the parking lot.

So when he finally is done after working 6 days, nothing feels quite as good as taking off that pair of hot, heavy old work boots and planting his size 10½ bare feet in the nice cool grass!


janet copenhaver said...

He'd love a pair of Croc's to slip on, after a long day of work.

Anonymous said...

Back in the mid to late 90's I worked in a warehouse in front of a unit that put off heat. The warehouse was not air conditioned. I actually prepared satellite boxes for the repair men who were in the air conditioned section. The satellite boxes would come in on a wooden crate. I would unbox them and scan the units into the computer system. I had to briefly clean them up. You would not believe the roaches and stuff inside of those units. It always felt good to go in their section and chat. But did you know there are times I miss that job. The benefits were some I have not ever been able to find with another company. I'll have to type about it on my blog.


Smalltown RN said...

wow that is some there hot.....yes dont' you just love the feel of nice cool grass between your toes? I can't imagine have to put a full days work in an environment so hot and humid....I think it just might do me in...but you know someone has to do and I am glad there are people willing to do it!

Happy Sunday my friend!

Lori said...

I understand this feeling! It's the first thing I do, too, when I get home from my summer job.

And I thought I was hot. I'll remember your hubby when I start getting grumpy. We do have AC in some places we work.

Happy Day to you!