Monday, February 12, 2007

Amber was here for the weekend. Although she spent most of Saturday at her Daddy's house. I had to take her there and pick her up but I do it for her because I think it's important that she have a relationship with him. It's a long story for another time.

While she was here, I wanted to get a new picture of her but my camera was without batteries. She just got her hair cut and it is really cute on her....and a whole lot easier for her to take care of. Although she is almost 12, there is still a lot of little girl left in her (thank goodness) and I don't see a lot of signs of early sexiness I see in a some girls her age. She needs a hair style that is easy for her to care for since she hasn't reached the stage or maybe never will of being a 'girly girl'! But I remember Naive at the age of 12 having to be pushed into showering and shampooing her hair. Fortuately it didn't last long so I am hopeful that Amber will grow out of this stage in due time.

We are under a winter storm watch once again beginning tomorrow morning and going through Wednedsay morning. I think the amount of snow will depend on the path of the storm coming out of Kansas and Missouri. We are getting a considerable amount of snow today that is probably lake effect snow and hubby is out on his John Deere with the plow attached and clearing the driveway once again. Oh well, at least it's something to keep him busy while he is laid off.......


Amazing Gracie said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe what you all are going through. The last time it snowed here was in '99. These old bones and cold weather don't go together so well.
I hope you have a respite soon!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you get a break from all this snow soon. We might get some rain/snow on Saturday. I hope the weather forecast changes to just all rain though. I saw a reporter in some part of NY standing on a pile of snow that was as high up as the roof of the house he was near. Inside of the family's home you couldn't see out the windows because of the snow. That would drive me NUTS!

Hugs and stay warm!

Smalltown RN said...

Oh Martie be thankful your grand daughter is still happy just playing around doing kid stuff. I remember my middle daughter was such a tomboy...she was tougher then some of the neighbourhood boys....the little guys would come over to our house looking for her and ask her to play street hockey with them....she always got to play goalie...she never let to many get pass her. She now is 18 and as much a young lady as you have ever seen...but you know when she comes to visit she love to throw on her sweat pants and my rubber boots and go out there is lots of time for Amber to change and develope into who she will be....

Lori said...

Ouch...sorry about the snow. We missed it this go around (though it got other parts of the state).

I'm ready for spring.

Think daffodils!