Friday, February 23, 2007

My Hero for today.....

I just received a call from our youngest daughter in Kentucky and she has become my 'hero' for the day. She called to tell me that they finally have a diagnosis for her oldest son. He has a form of ADHD but there is only 1% of the population that has this form of it. The Doctor doing the diagnosis will need to work closely with the counselors at school and the special education people to see that he now gets the counseling and special attention that he needs.

I am so proud of our daughter. She stuck with the doctor appointments and didn't take "no" for an answer. Some of the doctors told her there was nothing wrong with her boy, but Rachel knew otherwise. They told her it was she and not him that was the problem. This caused many tears on her part and a feeling of failure as a mom. I am outraged that this went on so long and she had to feel this way. But she was persistent and didn't give up. She finally got him into a child psychologist trained to do the testing that he needed. When she was a little girl, we thought that her stubbornness would cause her problems when she was grown. How wrong we were! That stubbornness had paid off big time for her and our grandson!

Thanks, Rachel for not giving up. I know it hasn't been easy for you but I want you to know that I am very proud of you for following through with this. Love you more than you know!


janet copenhaver said...

Good for Rachel, wish I had been more insistant when my son was growing up.
He till this day can't or won't sit still to read a book.

Anonymous said...

Rachel's courage is an inspiration to us all! Hugs!

RUTH said...

Well done to your daughter. It is so easy to get fobbed off by doctors and those who "should" know. Your grandson looks a lovely lad and I trust he will through her endeavours get all the help he needs.

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

I hope your daughter can continue to hear her instincts, seems they served her well already. Good for her!

Lori said...

Working in special education, I know how important it is that children are diagnosed correctly and get the help that they need.

Kudos to your daughter!

P.S. Thanks for all of your lovely thoughts over at 'my place'!

thewriterslife said...

Hi Martie! Just wanted to stop over and say howdie! Do you still have all that snow? We didn't get ANY this boring. Hope you're doing okay! Luvs ya...;o)

Liz Hinds said...

Good for your daughter! Mothers know their children best; doctors should appreciate that and not be so keen to send them away.