Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Really tired..............

I'm so tired, I can hardly keep my eyes open. My nose is getting stuffy and the whole right side of my head feels like it is being squeezed in a vise! I hope I'm not coming down with something.............I just don't have the time for it. My life is too busy to get sick right now.......of course there really isn't a better time either. My live never seems to slow down any. Maybe with any luck it is just a passing thing and I will feel much better in the morning. At least, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I have to be into work early because the head honcho from our corporate headquarters is meeting someone there at 8:30 AM and I have to have the coffee ready and the office presentable for this meeting, which means I will have to arrive early in order to accomplish this.

So on that note, I will say 'good-night' and sleep thight!


Anonymous said...

Get well hugs!! Hope you are feeling better.

Martie said...

Other than just being tired and cold now.......I'm much better. Slept in today (not a workday for me) until just after 10AM. Not like me at all........but it sure felt good!

Lori said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. You are always so busy looking after everyone else, you need to look after YOU, too.

I know..easier said than done. I understand completely. Here's hoping that the New Year will bring you peace, rest and many blessings, dear one!