Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Spring Storms

It has started to rain and storm in the distance. The dog HATES the thunder! She would prefer that I close the entire house up tight and allow her to hide in the corner that she has chosen as 'her safe haven' during storms. It's not a bad thing. At least she no longer feels the need to sit in my lap as the storms roll through. She does require that I remain in the same room with her in fairly close proximity as her security. As long as she can see me and I am close enough to pat her on the head and tell her it's okay she does pretty well. And as long as we don't lose power during any of the storms, I don't mind since I can read or watch TV. It would be nice, though, if she learned to manage the noise on her own.......I'm sure that during the summer months with more frequent storms I will lose some shut eye!

And I love thunderstorms! The flashes the lightening makes as it sends it's electric feelers across the sky is so beautifully entrancing that it pulls me in and holds me captive until the storm has passed.


janet copenhaver said...

I'm a lot like your pooch right now and not because of one of mother natures displays.

You are the best. I can't thank you enough for our little chat today.

Lori said...

There is something magical about a thunderstorm, though I have to admit...I don't enjoy them as much in the country as I did in the city. Different elements, I guess...

Hope you had a great Mother's Day!!!

Rhea said...

I adore thunderstorms. Here in Boston we had a minor one about two days ago. Can't wait for the big summer storms. Luckily the thunder doesn't bother my dog.

Anonymous said...

Can't say that I'm fond of thunderstorms. But I do welcome any rain as we are dry. Hugs!