Friday, May 25, 2007


This photo is one of my son, Doug and his two youngest, Hunter and Boo(Harley) fishing last Sunday to complete the birthday weekend.

The next one is Drew waiting for the graduation ceremony to begin for his older brother Steve at the local high school football field. It seems Drew was much more interested in the birds flying overhead and having a snack than in watching the ceremony!

The last two are of the actual graduation. The first shows all 225 members of the graduating class standing right after they walked in to be introduced as the newest graduating class of the high school, and the next one is the actual photo of Steve receiving his diploma from the principal. Yeah Darkwing Duck!!!!!


Lori said...

It's neat you can have the graduation outdoors like that. I think the wind blows too hard for us to do that!

Looks like you're having a great spring!

janet copenhaver said...

Oh... that Drew is a QT for sure.

Smalltown RN said...

well hello my dear friend....oh that looks like it was a grand day....and dear Drew...bless his heart for being a patient as he was....I was looking at some of your previous posts....I love the one of the lightening bolts....WOW!! Hope life is treating you well my friend...cheers!

Larissa said...

Hello...Mema is a very special name! I haven't heard of many of them! Anyone having that name must be good!!! :) I don't actually know how she got that name, I am the next to last youngest. I know the oldest came up with is and it stuck! Thanks for stopping by! God bless you too!

Anonymous said...

Happy Memorial Day weekend Martie! Bet you are grilling out and hubby is fixing you a steak? :)

Martie said...

Shawny Sun - You win the bet, we are going to grill out and hubby will be doing the steaks...just the way I like it! Have a great weekend!