Thursday, December 21, 2006

So, here it is four days before Christmas 2006. As I get older, excuse me, more mature, the true meaning of Christmas begins to take a more important role in my life. I think it must be partly due to the fact that there are no small children running around the house with an over abundance of energy and high expectations of the gifts Santa will bring.

As we face uncertain times and troubles in the entire world, I am reminded of a poem by Helen Steiner Rice entitled "Let Us Keep Christmas in Our Hearts"

If we lived Christmas each day as we should,
And made it our aim to always do good,
Then we'd find the key to meaningful living
That comes not from getting but unselfishly giving,
And we'd know the great joy of peace upon earth,
Which was the real purpose of our Savior's birth...
For in the glad tidings of the first Christmas night,
God showed us the way and the truth and the light.

I wish you all, from my house to yours, a joyful, peaceful and Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Very well said Martie. Merry Christmas!

Smalltown RN said...

Hello Martie....

Gosh I can't believe it is almost here...I am so excited!!!!

I wish you all the very best my friend for Christmas and the coming year.....

Chat soon!!!

Merry Berries!!!