Saturday, December 9, 2006

Looking for Mr. Right

Well, it seems like Christmas is approaching faster than I am getting ready for it!

I need to finish my shopping. I was hoping to get it done this weekend, but after hubby worked overtime today and had to get up at 2:30 AM and I was sick all day yesterday, I'm wondering if we should just wait a couple days. But today is Saturday and I know the stores will be over run with shoppers, I'm kind of afraid to wait any longer to finish. The longer we put it off, the harder it will be to find what we want. Hubby is sleeping in his chair in the living room right now. I told him to go up and take a nap on our bed and it would be quiet and he would be out of the way if I decided I wanted to do something like finish decorating, or vacuum, etc. But he is a stubborn man and won't listen to me. I, on the other hand, am not stubborn.......I am determined! And I want you to know that there is a big difference between the two!

Webster's dictionary defines stubborn as: 1) unreasonably or perversely unyielding : MULISH. 2) performed or carried on in an unyielding, obstinate or persistent manner. 3) difficult to handle, manage or treat. Whereas, determined is defined as: 1) having reached a decision : firmly resloved. 2) showing determination ~ characterzation. In other words, I am always right and he is always wrong. That can be determined by the marrying of whom I thought was Mr. Right, but I was oh so wrong! LOL Just kidding around....he is Mr. Right for me, just a tad bit more stubborn than I had planned or counted on!

This 'Mr. Right in Training' happens to be one of 14 precious grandchildren. He lives in Kentucky and I don't see him or his older brother and sister enough. Maybe someday they will live closer but I doubt it. Maybe someday one or the other of us will be filthy rich and can afford to visit more often, but I doubt that too! So sporadic visits and photographs will have to do!


Smalltown RN said...

Your grandson is adorable....sorry you don't get to see him as much as you would like to. I don't see my girls as much as I like to either...."sigh".

OBTW.....I am determined....not stubborn at all....

Have a grand day!!


Anonymous said...

He's going to be a real heartbreaker! You've got two blogs now. Nice!

Martie said...

Yes I do Editor. How did you find this one.....was it listed somewhere? I was keeping this one kind of away from the family.....well, most of them anyway. Rachel knew about it....that's her baby boy in the picture! Thanks for stopping by.

Martie said...

samlltown rn ~ was this blog easy to find? ;)

Anonymous said...

When I'm at work and want to visit your blog, I will click on the link from a comment you have left. I did so just recently and it brought up this new blog. You had apparently signed in to leave a comment on my blog with the username/password of this blog.

I later added this blog to my favorites. But, if you would prefer for me not to be here, I will obey your wishes. It will not hurt my feelings. Just let me know. Thanks!

Martie said...

Editor ~ you are most welcome to be here, in fact, I'm REALLY glad you are! Hugs friend!!!! Please visit again soon!

Smalltown RN said...

Yes Martie you blog was easy to find.....I just click on your name and there you are.....

Hope you are having a good day my friend. We got snow again today..and now tonight we are to get gale force winds again...Geesh!!!

Have a good day my friend!!