Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Fall Beauty

This was the last flower to bloom. It was the slowest growing plant all year and now it is the tallest. Well, except for the morning glories which are a vining plant. I have other Zinnia's growing and blooming now, but this seems to be the only one that is this color and the only one that appears to be extra full, perhaps a double one. I am amazed that with the beginning of fall being less than a week away this plant bloomed at all.

In another couple weeks, it will be time for the leaves to begin their color change, painting the landscape with rich hues of yellows, orange, reds, purples and rust colored beauty. I'm hoping that the lack of rain here this year will not have any affect on the usual beauty. Some say that the lack of rain has put the trees under a great deal of stress and they will lose their leaves before the crisp nights and sunny days will help with the photosynthesis. I certainly hope not. I, for one, will sorely miss this autumn wonder!


Anonymous said...

We have had a terrible drought here and I am worried about our leaves. The flower is beautiful! Hugs

Bougie Black Boy said...

...and you thought I disappeared, eh?

JUST A MOM said...

I want pictures I miss it sooooooooooooo bad

Hootin Anni said...

That photo is absolutely stunning!!! I love how the whole picture is composed. Did you take the photo? A great job!!

Oldqueen44 said...

My favorite flower. That is a pretty one.