Monday, April 27, 2009, hubbys Grandmother went to her resting place, thus completing her journey in this world and is now in heaven. It was a hard week in many ways because she was something so special to each of us.............and there are a LOT of us. She was 91 years old last October......she lived a long, sometimes very hard and sometimes easy, life. We know she is with our Maker and dancing with Grandpa Joe. She is truly where she wanted to be these past few years. A few weeks back she confided in me that it was taking 'just too damn long to die!' Will we miss her? Of course, but I couldn't wish her back here to suffer when she can be celebrating in heaven. In fact, that is what I am doing. I am celebrating her life. I came into her life just 19 short years ago and have been blessed just to know her. She accepted everyone, without judging. She treated everyone with respect and dignity. May you have many dances with Grandpa Joe!
Fast forward to Sunday, May 17, 2009. I have been very busy working full=time......40 hours a week. The front desk gal at corporate headquarters had surgery and they needed someone to fill in for her. They asked me to do full-time there and they asked the gal I job share with to go full-time in our office. We have been doing this for a few weeks now, and my job-sharer and I are more than ready to return to our normal work hours. Hoping that front desk gal will recover and be able to return to her job by no later than June 2nd!
Our puppy, Cocoa is growing like a weed. Our older dog, Prancer, has decided to accept her into the family and actually likes her now and enjoys her company and playing rough and tough romping through the backyard, and often in the house, with her!
I will try and post some new photos of her soon so you get a better idea of how big she is getting.