Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Okay, it's Wednesday, Sept. 17TH. Summer is gone, over, and I missed most of it with working and being busy with extended family obligations. It's a new month and I am declaring it 'My Time'!

I'm gonna make time for ME! To read, relax and just do some of the things that I want to do. I will have to relearn the word "NO" in order to accomplish this, but I'm sure I can do it. After all, it used to be a word I used every day when my children were little. In fact, they probably grew up thinking their nickname was "no"!

Today I will vacuum and dust and make supper and clean up afterwards and the rest of the day I am going to do anything I want or nothing at all. It's the new me.......I think I will enjoy it! And tomorrow will be more of the same. And Friday.........
well, Friday I am filling in for one of the gals at work. Guess I'll learn that "NO" word beginning next week!


janet copenhaver said...

Good for you! I'm glad to hear you are doing this.

Anonymous said...

If you want me to, I can send you a daily email with the word, "No." LOL I'll be your "No" coach.

A little humor...
